Failed Schemes

29 Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes.”
Ecclesiastes 7:29 (NKJV)

So much conviction in this verse. God made us/me to be upright but we/I seek out machinations of our/my own. I find this to be true of us all. It is certainly true of me at times. I desire my own way over God’s prescription for abundant life. I deceive myself to believe that things will be better if I can arrange things so it will be “easier” for me. It is impossible to argue that I know better than God what will be best for me; something I would never consciously do. However on a practical it happens too often. I seek out a plan that will cost me little.

Jesus, You are LORD. My deepest inward desire is to obey You without reservation. I know this is the best thing for all involved, including me. Send Your Spirit to soften and bend me to your will and character. Thanks for Your promise to make me like You and to finish what You have started in me. Make my obedience a sacrifice that blesses all I meet.

Blessed By You,

Pastor Jason

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